


next meeting on April 1st

Added by Kretz, Matthias about 9 years ago

Since next week many participants are on the DPG Frühjarstagung, the next meeting will not be on the 25th, but one week later on April 1st.


Added by Köppel, Sven about 9 years ago

The email subject announcing the talk on the FIAS talks mailing list today was broken, it said [Talks] C++ User Group | <date>, 15:00 | <presenter>: <title>.

Added by Köppel, Sven about 9 years ago

Arghl, redmine syntax highlighting broke the broken string... it was

[Talks] C++ User Group | <date>, 15:00 | <presenter>: <title>

Added by Kretz, Matthias about 9 years ago

Oh, shoot. I was in a hurry... Can't fix sent mails, sadly. I hope the mail body suffices.